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Fifty Shades of Grey ($569,651,467)

E L James' #AskELJames Twitter Q&A Would Have Made Christian Grey Cringe

Looks like Anastasia Steele isn't the only glutton for punishment. E L James put herself in the hot seat on Monday, June 29, when she participated in a live Twitter Q&A with Fifty Shades fans -- and, more dominantly (no pun intended), critics.

Shortly after the Q&A started on Monday afternoon, the #AskELJames hashtag was overtaken by Christian Grey haters who accused the author of being homophobic and misogynistic and romanticizing stalking and abuse. Others took issue with her actual writing, asking things like, "Which do you hate more, women or the English language?" 

caitlin stasey  ✔️ @caitlinstasey
#AskELJames does the E.L. Stand for ELiterate?

Stephan Krosecz @Krosecz
#AskELJames Do all these negative tweets sent to you seem abusive to you? I think it's romantic enough to be turned into a novel!

matt @reginaIdkray
#AskELJames what's it like telling millions of women it's okay to be in an abusive relationship as long as he's rich. Asking for a friend.

Liam Dryden @LiamDrydenEtc
#AskELJames I need advice on making a BIG romantic gesture. Should I put a GPS tracker in her phone and make threats if she tries to leave?

Ros @GameOverRos
#AskELJames Can you confirm that you will be writing the story of Ramsay Bolton from his perspective, showing he is just misunderstood?

NOTE: the following is in reference to her re-publishing her book from Christian's perspective called "Grey".

Andrew Vestal @avestal
#AskELJames after the success of "Grey," have you considered re-telling the story from the perspective of someone who can write?

There were so many tweets, in fact, that the hashtag became the No. 1 Twitter trend in the United States, and the No. 2 trend worldwide. (It's worth noting, though, that many people actually came to James' defense.)

The author, for her part, stuck to answering the gentler questions, like, "What was your favorite scene to write?" and "Have you ever wanted to change anything in Ana and Christian's story?" She did seem to allude to the mixed bag of inquiries before signing off, however, tweeting, "Off to meet the competition winners, now. Thanks so much for an interesting hour... Very Happy"

Ultimately, she has the last laugh anyway. According to the Los Angeles Times, James is now worth an estimated $58 million.

The Fifty Shades franchise is still growing, too -- in addition to the original trilogy, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, and Fifty Shades Freed, James has written the spinoff Grey, which tells the story of the first book from Christian Grey's perspective. Then there are the film adaptations starring Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, the first of which made more than $500 million at the box office.
by GrooThePerverted
on 6/29/2015, 11:50 pm
Search in: Movies
Topic: Fifty Shades of Grey ($569,651,467)
Replies: 38
Views: 617

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